


Stewart L, Easter S on behalf of the BDA's Obesity Specialist Group. British Dietetic Association's Obesity Specialist Group Management Intervention in Children and Young People: Review and Clinical Application. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. November 2020

Duncanson K, Shrewbury V, Burrows T, Kheng Chai L, Ashton L, Taylor R, Gow M, Ho M, Ells L, Stewart L et al. Impact of weight management nutrition interventions on dietary outcomes in children and adolescents with overweight or obesity: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. December 2020 

Gillespie J, Magee E, White E, Stewart L. Eat, Play, Learn Well - A novel approach to co-production and analysis grid for environments linked to obesity to engage local communities in a child healthy weight action plan. Public Health 2019;166:99-107

Shrewsbury VA, Burrows T, Ho M, Jensen M, Garnett SP, Stewart L, et al. Update of the best practice dietetic management of overweight and obese children and adolescents: a systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports. 2018;16(7):1495- 1502 

Stewart L, Childhood Obesity. Medicine. 2015;43(2):108

Gillespie J, Midmore C, Hoeflich J, Ness C, Ballard P, Stewart L. Parents as the start of the solution - a social marketing approach to understanding triggers and barriers to entering a childhood weight management service. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2015;28 (s1):83-92

Gow ML, Ho M, Burrows T, Baur L, Stewart L, Hutchesson MJ, Cowell CT, Collins C, Garnett SP. Macronutrient distribution of the diet – impact on BMI and cardiometabolic outcomes in overweight and obese children and
adolescents: A systematic review. Nutrition Reviews 2014;72(7):453-370

Revuelta-Iniesta R, Wilson ML, White K, Stewart L, McKenzie JM, Wilson DC. Complementary and alternative medicine usage in Scottish children and adolescents during cancer treatment. Complementary Therapies in
Clinical Practice 20 (2014) 197e202

Ho M, Garnett SP, Baur L, Burrows T, Stewart L, Neve M, Collins C. Impact of dietary and exercise interventions on weight change and metabolic outcomes in obese children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-
analysis of randomised controlled trials. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 2013;167(8):759-768

Ho M, Garnett SP, Baur L, Burrows T, Stewart L, Neve M, Collins C. Effectiveness of Lifestyle Interventions in Child Obesity: Systematic review with meta-analysis. Pediatrics 2012:130( 6)

Stewart L, Alison Gahagan. Managing and preventing obesity in teenagers.
Practice Nursing 2012:23(5);252 - 256

Stewart L, Managing and preventing obesity in infants. Practice Nursing
2012:23(4); 200 - 203

Stewart L, Childhood Obesity. Medicine. 2011:39(1)42

Stewart L, van de Ven L, Katsarou V, Rentziou E, Doran M, Jackson P, Reilly JJ, Wilson D. High prevalence of obesity in ambulatory children and adolescents with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability
Research 2009:53(10); 882

Stewart, L. Hughes, AR, Reilly, JJ. Evidence-based behavioral treatment of obesity in children and adolescents. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. Special issues. 18(1) January 2009

Stewart L. Recognizing childhood obesity :the role of the school nurse. British Journal of School Nursing. 2008:3(7)

Stewart L, Chapple J, Hughes AR, Poustie V, Reilly JJ .The use of behavioural change techniques in treatment of paediatric obesity: qualitative evaluation of parental perspectives on treatment. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Oct 2008.

Hughes AR, Stewart L, Chapple J, Reilly JJ, et al Randomized controlled trial of a best practice individualized behavioral program for treatment of childhood overweight: Scottish Childhood Overweight Treatment Trial
(SCOTT). Pedatrics. 2008;121;e539-e546

Stewart L, Chapple J, Hughes AR, Poustie V, Reilly JJ. Parents’ journey through treatment for their child’s obesity: qualitative study. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 2008;93;35-39.

Stewart L, Houghton J, Hughes AR, Pearson D, Reilly JJ. Dietetic Management of Pediatric Overweight: Development of a practical and evidence-based behavioral approach. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 2005; 105(Nov):1810-1815.

Reilly JJ, Methven E, McDowell ZC, Hacking B, Alexander D, Stewart L et al. Health consequences of obesity. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2003; 88:748-752.


Early Years Nutrition and Healthy Weight Eds: Stewart L and Thompson J. Wileys Blackwell 2015 or




Book Chapters

Stewart L, Obesity. In:Shaw V, Clinical Paediatric Dietetics. Wiley Blackwell, 5th Edition (In press)

Stewart L, Gillespie J, Childhood Obesity In: Gandy J, ed. The Manual of Dietetic Practice. Wiley Blackwell 6th edition, 2019  

Gahagan A, Stewart L. Diagnostic criteria and assessment in childhood obesity. In: Hankey C and Whelan K, eds. Diet and Nutrition in Obesity. Wiley Blackwell 2018.

Stewart L, Diet and childhood obesity. In: Hankey C and Whelan K, eds. Diet and Nutrition in Obesity. Wiley Blackwell 2018.

Stewart L, Gillespie J, Young T. Childhood Obesity. In: Buttriss, JL, Welch, AA, Kearney, JM, Lantham-New, SA, eds. Public Health Nutrition 2nd Edition. Nutrition Society Text Book Series. Wiley Blackwell 2017

Stewart L, Gillespie J, Childhood Obesity In: Gandy J, ed. The Manual of Dietetic Practice. Wiley Blackwell 5th edition, 2014,+5th+Edition-p-9780470656228

Stewart L. Obesity. In: Shaw V, ed. Clinical Paediatric Dietetics. Wiley Blackwell, 4th Edition 2014.,+4th+Edition-p-9780470659984

Stewart L. Obesity. In: Shaw V, ed. Clinical Paediatric Dietetics. Churchill, 3rd Edition 2007.

Reilly JJ, Stewart L, Wilson DC. Childhood obesity in primary care. In: Bannon M, editor. Practical Paediatric Problems in Primary Care. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.


Duncanson K, Shrewsbury VA, Collins CE and The DiET-CO Consortium. Interim Report on the Effectiveness of Dietary Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Overweight and Obesity for the World Health Organization. December 2017.